Browsing: Essential HK

As a newly landed expat there is A LOT to organise, and even simple tasks become frustrating when you don’t know your way around. If you’ve just landed in Hong Kong, I want to share some info that would have helped me find my feet faster.

Do I really have to wear a pink pyjama uniform? Is it true that I can pay for my birth with my Octopus card? Planning a birth in Hong Kong can raise some very quirky questions, however having a baby in the public hospital system can be a very positive experience, if you know what to expect. We chatted to doula and breastfeeding counsellor Cathee Jackson to find out about the process, how to prepare, and what to pack!

If your wardrobe is bursting at the seams and your favourite clothes are vying for space with your sports kit, the concierge clothes storage and virtual wardrobe service from PAKT is the answer to your woes.

The HK HUB brings you ten fantastic tips to help you settle into life in Hong Kong. From hailing taxis to securing a school place, it’s all here.