When we first got the email about LifeHub’s IV drip treatment, we thought the name must be a gimmick. There aren’t actual needles involved, are there? But a Google search revealed otherwise. In the last five to 10 years, IV therapy for quick delivery of skin, hair, and bodily function-benefitting vitamins has started to become more popular in beauty clinics.

A brave colleague volunteered to try the treatment. There were jokes about life extension and gaining superpowers (Eternals had just been released, and if anyone is timeless beauty goals, it’s Salma Hayek), but in a quite real way we anxiously awaited her regular reports from the clinic.

What is IV drip therapy?

IV fluid drips are commonly seen in hospitals, where they inject hydrating fluids and/or nutrients and vitamins into a patient’s vein. However, in recent years IV therapy has expanded into the world of beauty. They first gained popularity as a quick hangover treatment. Now, clinics offer customized nutrient blends, claiming benefits ranging from from strengthening the skin’s collagen bonds for brighter, healthier-looking skin, to promoting fat loss by speeding up metabolism.

Nutrients delivered by the intravenous injection are absorbed directly by the bloodstream rather than through the middleman of the digestive tract, which is supposed to mean quicker results. However, there isn’t much research yet that shows the benefits of IV drip therapy in this beauty application.

The process

With this in mind, our correspondent went to try an IV drip targeting the skin at LifeHub, classified a “medical spa”. LifeHub offers multiple IV drip treatments with different target results, like the Super Immunity Boost ($2,080) and Healthy Hair ($2,780) drips. The Skin Glow IV drip ($2,580) is meant to brighten and lighten the skin, strengthen weak hair and nails, and detoxify the body.

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The treatment began with an initial consultation during which all our questions about the process were patiently answered (we had many; about how it works exactly, what practical claims can be made about the benefits, how it would feel mid-treatment). Then, another consultant evaluated overall health before approving the treatment, asking about medicine allergies, pregnancy status, and major surgery history.

treatment chair at lifehub central

Once the patient had been cleared for the treatment, the IV drip was administered in a comfortable, window-facing curtained-off seat. Herbal tea was provided during the 45-minute procedure, during which 500mL of fluid containing B+ Complex vitamins, vitamin C, antioxidants, and a mix of other vitamins was delivered. The accompanying nurse went above and beyond to make sure the experience was comfortable.

The results

Our colleague, a member of Gen Z, has relatively clear skin already, so she didn’t notice obvious differences between her pre- and post-treatment skin. We were aware from the beginning that different people have different responses to IV therapy, so this didnt come as a big surprise.

It may be helpful to think of IV drip therapy as a regular maintenance treatment combating issues from the inside out. An inner glow sprouting from the overall benefit of absorbing extra vitamins and antioxidants into the body.

We think we would have seen more noticeable results if our test subject had more wrinkles and fine lines. Alternatively, outcomes would likely be more apparent after further treatments. Any step in a beauty routine is most beneficial when done consistently, after all.

LifeHub, 2-3/F, The Loop, 33 Wellington Street, Central | +852 6450 0607

Disclaimer: The HK HUB received a complimentary treatment from LifeHub in exchange for an honest review.

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Images courtesy of LifeHub

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Born in Canada, Danielle is deep diving into the things that make Hong Kong a city of intermingling identities, and bridging the information gap as someone trying to navigate the city herself as a cultural inbetweener. Sometimes this means examining culture and local people’s stories, and other times it means drinking all the milk tea and doing walking explorations of peripheral districts.

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