The University of Hong Kong will lift its ban on students using ChatGPT and other Generative Artificial Intelligence applications when it reopens for the 2023-2024 academic year in September.

“Beginning this new semester in September, a wide range of GenAI tools such as Microsoft OpenAI and Dall-E will be provided for free to all teachers and students for teaching and learning purposes,” according to a statement issued by university authorities.

The university — renowned for being the top tertiary education institution in Hong Kong — prohibited its students from using generative AI tools earlier this year, but permitted staff to access them “only for work and research-related purposes” on a trial basis until June this year.

A male student does a multiple-choice exam. He is wearing a light brown jacket over a red shirt, and glasses. He sits at a white table and holds an orange pencil. There are two female students behind him, also taking the exam.
Students will have to take device-free exams to test their independent thinking skills (© pixelshot via Canva)

From September onwards, the institution will also offer training, online courses, and other resources to demonstrate how to use these tools effectively. Teachers must also tell students how much generative AI they can use in their assignments and how they should cite and declare when they use these tools.

Students are encouraged to use generative AI in only their submitted work, and their learning and independent thinking will be assessed using methods such as, “device-free examinations, oral examinations, live classwork such as demonstrations and presentations, and student peer assessments.”

It was previously announced that Hong Kong’s Junior Secondary students will 10-14 of hours of AI education, including lessons on how to use ChatGPT mirror sites, from the 2023-2024 academic year onwards. The coursework will cover the use of language learning models like ChatGPT and the ethics and social impact of the technology.

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Earlier this year, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology came up with its own version of ChatGPT for its students, faculty, and staff members to use. HKUST authorities had earlier permitted students to use ChatGPT via Poe, a service that allows users to ask questions and obtain answers from several AI bots built on top of large language models.

Header image credits: The University of Hong Kong via Facebook

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From the Middle East to the Far East and a couple of places in between, Anjali has lived in no fewer than seven cities in Asia, and has travelled extensively in the region. She worked as a lifestyle journalist in India before coming to Hong Kong, where her favourite thing to do is island-hopping with her daughter. You can check out her musings on motherhood, courtesy her Instagram profile.

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